Bright Outcomes LLC

Reality check Web WEekend Process

Reality Check Web Weekend Process:

At the beginning of the program, each participant completes an Initial Interview.

During the Reality Check Web Weekend Program, in addition to the Initial Interview, clients will be required to participate in small and large group and individual interaction, role playing, didactic, multimedia presentations, using guided worksheets, and preparing a change plan.

Clients keeps a journal during the weekend, and record insights and what they have learned during the entire program. Active client participation is encouraged and monitored.

At the conclusion of the program on Sunday, each participant meets one-on-one with a Reality Check Web Weekend Counselor for a Final Interview. In this interview, all reporting documents are signed, and the participant submits a self-evaluation, and a program evaluation. Additionally, the Reality Check Web Weekend participant will be required to submit a summary journal of their understanding, and insights, which will be forwarded to their referring count.  Only client who have has met the requirements of the Reality Check Web Weekend program will be reported to their respective court as completing the program.

Reality Check Web Weekend Program Schedule

Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. *
Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. *
*Meal breaks and short interim breaks are included.

Reporting to Referring Court

Clients will mail documentation to Bright Outcomes LLC.  Once received and processed, all required documentation will be submitted  to the court, including confirmation of completion, summary of recommendations, client’s summary journal, and client’s evaluation of the weekend.

Bright Outcomes LLC’s staff takes pride in a rapid turnaround of required documentation, verifying client completion, and providing recommendations to the referring court.