Reality Check Web Programs cover the essential materials and subject matters covered in Reality Check Weekend and Reality Check Web formats, without the in-depth address of each topic.
Reality Check Day Programs are ideal for first offenders who don’t have an extensive substance abuse assessment or extensive criminal behavior history, and also ideal as a refresher program for clients with extensive substance abuse assessment or extensive criminal behavior who have already participated in a program.
The programs are designed to catalyze essential insights into problem behaviors. For more extensive address to issues, please see our Reality Check Weekend Intensive and Reality Check Web Programs.
Just as the name implies, Reality Check Day Intensive is an intensive 11 hour day of immersion in a program which confronts participants with sobering insight into the short and long term consequences of irresponsible choices in relation to self, alcohol and drugs, driving, family, personal growth, community, employment, education and the criminal justice system.
Reality Check Day Intensive Programs deliver a highly positive, life affirming and life-awarenes Reality Check Day Intensive Programs deliver a highly positive, life affirming and life-awareness experience for most participants.